Sunday, February 24, 2019

Why Netflix Canceled All Marvel Series

Hey am back again. But this time not happy.  Netflix canceled the Punisher. Which means no more Marvel series on Netflix again(so sad) and here i was blaming  Fox  for always canceling their shows and Netflix proved me wrong.  I decided to do a little digging of my own to find out the reasons why Netflix keep putting this shows to the knife even though they all had positive reviews especially Daredevil.

According to Netflix, one of the reason the partnership of Netflix and Marvel  eventually went up in flames - was the fact that Netflix didn't own a stake in any of the series. Disney always owned them, and Netflix had to pay  a hefty fee to license them. So not only was Netflix shelling out to make 5 expensive shows, it was paying a licensing fee, and reaping little reward from the arrangement.  Disney on the other hand were not breaking down their price too, or even meeting Netflix half way, and this was frustrating. Disney didn't really put much effort in saving this shows, since they are working on their own streaming service now, Disney+, which Disney has poured a huge amount of money that has reach up to a staggering amount of $100 million.  Disney who are currently working on three MCU spin-off shows which are in their various stages of development - Loki, Vision  and Scarlet Witch and Falcon and Winter Soldier - and as if that is not enough, they are also working on  two live-action series from the Star Wars universe( this is the project that cost Disney a $100 million for just ten episodes). Disney definitely won't care much for loose change after loosing Netflix's licensing on its Marvel series. Plus they have an entire roller-coaster of amazing catalog they can choose from.  

As sad as it may be, one reason that Netflix's Marvel shows are no longer running is that Netflix finally needed to cut its losses and move on, (thanks to Disney) a decision that can't have been easy considering the Marvel family it had built up over the years, one which had become instrumental in its rise to a huge streaming services it has become.

Another reason could be the significant changes behind the scenes on Jessica Jones, Daredevil and Iron Fist in their tenure on Netflix - show runners left and needed to be replaced, causing "creative issues" that probably would have been a constant source of problems for everyone involved. 

So after my little digging, I came to conclusions that Netflix had no choice and no fault. Disney should have given them a pay cut at least as a reward for making such shows become something awesome. But we all know, how this corporate  world behaves,  all they care about is the money(which annoyingly we are giving them, asking them to give us back our moneys worth in return in form of entertainment)  

The ball is very much in Disney court  as of now and not in Netflix like i thought a week earlier.  Will they revive the shows?  Or move on?  Or tease us about reviving it  and then kill it before the pilot ?  I guess we just have to wait and see. But one thing is certain, which is i have to find a new series to watch.

I personally hope they bring back all Netflix's Marvel series back and let Netflix stream it(i don't think there is a better home for the Marvel series than Netflix)  I hope they revive Daredevil at least. Hopefully another streaming network will take over from Netflix and revive this shows without sacrificing one creative content for another or for budget.

 And that is all I have today for you.

Till next time stay Marvel

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